Wednesday, February 3, 2021

npm for nodejs - How to Publish an nodejs module to npm

For javascript web developers like nodejs and angular developers, it's the most important and most useful npm modules. from npm modules, we can easily implement any modules as per our requirements very easily within 5 minutes.

if you are a web developer you can easily publish your own npm modules and help other developers to implement it.

So, let's start with how to publish our own npm nodejs module in npmjs.

For nodejs and angular, there are many different ways to create an npm library. Here we will discuss about make an module and publish it.

=>Requirements and overview of steps

->Sign up to npm (sign up in npm for free)
->Install Node & npm
->Setup nodejs project
->Creating the npm Package
->Test It locally before publish
->Login to npm
->Publishing the npm Package
->Republishing after some changes (if required)

=>Setup nodejs project

mkdir welcome-test
cd welcome-test
npm init -y

Here you can create/give package name as per your module

=>Creating the npm Package
 Create a file called index.js

This is the file which exicute first of  all in package.

Now add your code here like as

//You can also import other node modules here and use it

const welcome = (name) => {
  return "welcome to "+name;

module.exports = welcome;

=>Let's Test It locally before publish

sudo npm link

After running this command you can use this in any other projects without publishing in npm. now run this command and link it for testing purposes.

after this create your new nodejs demo project in another directory or you can use it in your existing project.

if you don't have any other project you can quickly set up a new nodejs project by the following command

mkdir <project name>
cd <project name>
npm init -y

mkdir welcome-test-demo
cd welcome-test-demo
npm init -y

for use, it from locally before npm publish run following command for npm install

npm link <package-name>

npm link welcome-test

After this import node module and use it as

const welcomeTest = require("welcome-test");

var welcomeText1 =  welcomeTest.welcome("jayesh");

var welcomeText2 =  welcomeTest.welcome("suresh");

var welcomeText3 =  welcomeTest.welcome("paresh");

=>Login to npm
 After successfully testing you can publish your package.
 for that run following command for login npm in cmd

 npm login

 By this command input your user name, password, and email id as used in the npm signup

=>Publishing the npm Package
after login to npm, form cmd go to root directory and then run following command

npm publish

 from this, your npm module will be published and you can check it from the npmjs link and search your module

=>Republishing after some changes (if required)
increase version number form package.json and then

npm publish

After those processes, you can see your module in npm. to display the proper installation process description you need to modify the file. MD file has its own syntax to display in as per our requirements like as display heading, display example in code formate, etc. so if you don't know about it you can R & D and it's easy for learn it.

after updating the MD file you need to rebuild and republish it.

I hope it's clear how to publish your own node npm module in npm.

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